Dementia Connections

Feature Articles: Week of September 27, 2021

Episode Summary

Weekly Audio Articles: 1) Sharing Dance: Channel Creativity through Movement 2) Asking for Help: Maintaining Care Partner Wellbeing

Episode Notes

Welcome to the Dementia Connections Podcast, where each week we share the latest research, expert advice, and stories about living well with dementia. 

September is World Alzheimers Awareness Month and we've enjoyed shining a light on the transformative power of the arts for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia through a series of brand-new articles all month long.  For our last story in the series we report on Sharing Dance, an eight-week program that helps seniors and people living with dementia channel creativity through movement.

In our second story this week we begin to explore care partner wellness through an article on how asking for help and connecting with friends and other caregivers can be instrumental in maintaining a sense of well-being, for care partners of people with dementia.

As always, you'll find the full articles and the links to related resources at

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